What to plant with sweet potatoes? [12 best companion options]

What to plant with sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes are awesome plants loved for their sweetness and nice orange flesh. These amazing plants need companion plants to stay alive and grow properly, the best companion plants to maximize development will be explained in detail.

Sweet potatoes are remarkable choices as there are countless crops you can plant along with them, companion planting serves countless purposes and can significantly increase the chances that your plant will survive.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Companion planting: overview

Companion planting is a very popular technique that involves planting two different plants close to each other, for benefits.

Sweet potatoes are loved for their nice texture and sweetened flavor, they need sunlight, rain, and other factors to stay alive, and what better way to better their chances of survival than gifting them a beneficial neighbor?

Companion planting is great for gardeners who enjoy experimenting since different plants offer different benefits, this is one of the most interesting parts of the technique.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Matching plants with different growth habits is a very good idea, for example, tall plants act as a shield for shorter ones or deep-rooted species accessing nutrients at different soil depths. Though not common, some people also use companion planting to simply beautify their garden, some like calendula can beautify your plantation and attract beneficial insects at the same time.

While different combinations call for differing spacing, as a general rule, plants should be placed such that their leaves hardly touch when they are fully grown. Plants that have different nutrient requirements can also benefit companions as some species can accumulate and fix nutrients in the soil and benefit nearby plants.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Selecting sweet potato plants is a very remarkable choice, and companion planting sweet potatoes will help you get more rich and sweet potatoes. 

Sweet potatoes are amazing plants and they offer countless advantages, they contain beta-carotene which helps human vision, and beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A in the body.

They can draw beneficial insects and repel unwanted creatures, raccoons don’t like the odor cucumbers produce, so they are planted to repel them. It fixes nitrogen, which benefits any crop within reach.

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Companions for sweet potato

So, what to plant with sweet potatoes?

  • Garlic. This is one of the best sweet potato companion you can use, it is paired with other plants because of its scent which sends away sweet potato pests. They can shield any plant you select, not just sweet potatoes.
  • Aromatic herbs. Aromatic herbs deter pests like the sweet potato weevil. This destructive sweet potato weevil can affect your plants
  • Alliums. They have small roots making them the perfect companion plant for growing sweet potatoes.
  • Buckwheat. This is an awesome plant that can be paired with sweet potato plants to attain their maximum potential. 
  • Spinach: this is one of the most popular companion plants, they are very effective shielding plants making them perfect as companion plants for sweet potatoes.
  • Root vegetables. Root vegetables are remarkable sweet potato companion plants, some good companion plants lure pests to distract them from tampering with your primary crops.
  • Nasturtiums. These are awesome plants that make your garden more pleasing, they provide shade and draw beneficial insects. Besides attracting beneficial insects, the flowers are very pleasing making them an awesome addition to your garden.
  • Alyssum. They are great companion plants for sweet potatoes and they have an amazing and very pleasing odor.
  • Legumes. These plants are one of the best neighbors to give your sweet potato vine, they include peas and bush beans. These nitrogen-fixing plants can be made to trail with the sweet potato vines for a neat and organized sweet potato garden.
  • Basil. Basils are awesome plants that can boost your sweet potato’s taste, they are good companion plants for sweet potatoes.
  • Thyme. Many farmers and gardens love planting thyme as it makes the sweet potatoes taste better. The plant also looks nice when matured.
  • Marigolds. Marigolds are one of the best companion plants that can significantly make your sweet potatoes grow better.
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Benefits of companion planting

Companion planting is a very popular technique people use for several reasons, the benefits of using a good companion plant to plant sweet potatoes are explained below.

Pest control

Some harmful pests can affect your sweet potato vines, and some sweet potato companion plants can help you deter pests and keep your sweet potato vines pest-free.

Using companion plants is an effective biological pest control technique that reduces the use of chemicals and pesticides in your garden, using appropriate sweet potato companion plants is a smart strategy to control pests and maximize growth.

As some companion plants help guard against sweet potato pests some other ones help attract beneficial insects.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Mutual support

Many companion plants release specific chemicals that promote faster development and better taste in surrounding plants. Plants that grow large and leafy also serve as shade for plants beneath them. Some rapid growers serve excellently well as markers, some people use these plants to create marks and divide your plantation into sections.

Using excellent companion plants is vital for the comfort of your plants, sweet potato tubers require an appropriate companion plant to develop to their maximum size.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Increased yield

 This is one of the most obvious and major reasons for using companions. Besides maximizing yield using good companion plants for sweet potatoes is a genius technique to maximize the space you have.

Using this technique can help you cover bare soil where unwanted plants might grow, therefore increasing the yield of your primary plant.

Companion planting is even more important if your planting space is small and you want to maximize the little space you have. Planting a vining plant beneath a taller plant is a popular technique of using companion planting to conserve space. Companion planting sweet potatoes makes use of space that would have be remain unfilled or be occupied with unwanted plants.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Soil health

Crops absorb essential resources from the soil as they grow, which means that you’ll put in much effort at the end of the season to replenish them. However, some sweet potato companion plants replenish soil nutrients and support the health of other plants.

By planting plants with diverse root systems together you can aerate the soil and enable plants to get nutrients from various regions.

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Image source: pinterest.com

Worst sweet potato companion plants

Now that you know what to plant it’s equally important to know what not to plant.

  • Squash. If planted with your sweet potato, the sweet potatoes will struggle to attain the appropriate resources, preventing your plants from reaching their maximum potential.
  • Tomato. They make your sweet potatoes more suspectable to potato blight.
  • Sunflower. They skyrocket the chances of potato blight in your sweet potatoes.
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Image source: pinterest.com

Additional planting tips

  • Choose the right variety. One incredible part of sweet potatoes is that there are a lot of options to choose from. You should inquire about different types and the advantages they offer, this is very important if you want to start a garden.Varieties of sweet potatoes differ in taste, size, and texture. Some are so delicious they can go with almost any method of cooking. You should also note that some varieties have better storage qualities than others, go for varieties with good storage characteristics if you plan to store your potatoes for a long time.
  • Right soil. This is important for both your sweet potatoes and your sweet potato companion plants, you should ensure you have loose and well-drained soil to prevent waterlogging. Compacted soils can affect root development while loose soil guarantees easy root penetration, so good soil is important for the survival of your plants.The Soil pH is another factor to pay attention to, it significantly affects the productivity of your plants, you should consider checking the pH level before planting.
  • Full sun. If you’re going into potatoes you should be aware that they love sunny places, so you should plant in an area that receives a significant amount of sunlight per day.Sunlight also helps in producing sugars and carbohydrates that help in tuber formation. If you’re planting in a hot area sunlight warms your soil more effectively, and this will be evident in your sweet potato.
  • Water regularly. It’s no surprise that water is a vital factor that contributes to the growth of plants, Sweet potatoes require consistent soil moisture throughout the growing season. Sweet potatoes require regular watering (especially newly planted ones) to acclimate to their new environment. You should make sure that your sweet potato vines are watered regularly will help you guarantee abundant yields.
  • Proper spacing. Proper spacing is very important in your sweet potato garden, especially if you’re using a sweet potato companion plant. Leaving enough space between your plants makes them neater and more accessible. Spacing properly also makes it easier when you’re harvesting your tubers and also reduces the risks of damaging tubers.Planting too closely together can cause stunted growth, If you properly space your plants, there is good airflow and sunlight penetration, and it also helps minimize the risk of diseases.


What’s a good companion plant for sweet potatoes?

Numerous amazing crops like buckwheat, bush beans, and peas make excellent companions for potatoes.

What should you not plant near potatoes?

Squash, Tomato, and Sunflower are some examples of plants that should not be planted near potatoes.

Can sweet potatoes be planted with regular potatoes?

They can be planted together, but it’s better to plant them separately as they are susceptible to the same diseases.

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Image source: pinterest.com


Sweet potatoes are interesting crops to grow as they can be used in countless ways, by providing great companion plants and using this article as a guide you can make your potatoes stay alive and guarantee a high harvest.

Ruth Walsh

Gardens hold a special allure for many, a place where dreams take root and flourish. But for those stepping into the world of gardening for the first time, the path can be tangled with questions and uncertainties. That’s where I come in. Welcome to my gardening blog, where I’m dedicated to guiding beginners through the intricate journey of cultivating their own crops.

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