How to plant green beans in a raised bed: 5-Step Guide

How to plant green beans in a raised bed? Many people choose green beans to plant in a garden and there are compelling reasons for that! This plant species is rich in many beneficial vitamins (A and C) and nutrients (fiber, folate). To say the least, they are very tasty and can complement any meal.

Farmers and gardeners are attracted not only by their properties of vegetables. It is also their convenience in the sphere of gardening. Green beans – you may have heard of them under such names as “snap beans” or “string beans” – are not especially fussy about their environment.

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Brief instruction

With a proper guide everyone can handle this vegetable and within 60 days gather a large harvest. Here are 5 small steps to follow when planting green beans in a raised bed garden (in a nutshell):

  1. Choose a variety of green beans to grow.
  2. Prepare a full-sun location to place your raised bed.
  3. Prepare good soil and trellises (if necessary) for the raised bed.
  4. Soak the bean seeds at night and dry them before planting.
  5. Plant green bean seeds 1 inch deep in moist soil.

To grow green beans more effectively we suggest you take a closer look at the steps now.

5 steps you need to follow when planting green beans

Do you want to grow green beans in your garden? Here are 5 simple steps that will lead you from purchasing all necessary things to sowing seeds and even some tips to help with the after-care (all explained).

Which green bean seeds to choose: bush beans vs. pole beans

There are multiple varieties of green beans to plant in your garden bed. The most in-demand types are pole beans and bush beans. For their part, these varieties include even more types that are different in origins, outer looks, and flavors.

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Pole beans are a little bit slower to mature. But then you can collect the fruits for a longer time and continually until frost kills the plant. But they are harder to place in the garden since they need additional equipment.

Bush beans in turn are smaller-sized and can fill in spaces between other vegetables in your raised bed. They don’t need special treatment and grow well even if the environment is not ideal.

Bush green beans are more suitable for a quick change of vegetables in your garden. Bush beans produce all at once and you will have to harvest bush beans in one fell swoop. After harvesting the options are wide open – you can easily plant anything else.

Not only harvesting green beans depends on whether you plant bush beans or pole beans, but also the manner of planting them. Bush beans and pole beans require different environments to flourish, that’s why deciding on the type earlier is preferable.

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Where to place green beans?

Like many other crops, green beans prefer lots of sun and higher soil temperature during long and stable periods. For this reason, you should provide a full sun location in your garden, so that the seedlings stay from 6 to 10 hours in sunlight.

Although green beans favor full sun, they don’t tolerate extremely hot weather. In cases of severe heat be ready to use row covers!

Check on the thermometer to prevent air temperature from rising above 95°F and your seedlings will never wither.

A small tip: if your choice fell on bush beans, you might want to plant them closer to the edges of raised beds – this way your future bushes would not shade other vegetables or crops (in case you have any).

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What soil and support to use?

Every crop, fruit, or vegetable requires certain soil and sometimes additional equipment. Growing green beans you should know that these plants can be quite picky.

Shallow roots are typical for green beans. That is why they need enough room to grow well – your raised beds should contain at least 12 inches of soil.

The soil to sow your green bean seeds should also be prepared carefully. We recommend that you use loose and well-draining soil in a raised bed. Make sure that the soil doesn’t contain much clay or sand and thus holds air better and stays beneficial for plants.

To provide your green bean plants with enough nutrients you can even use potting soil, organic compost, or other matter. This will also be helpful to get rid of the excess water and protect the roots.

If you are worried about soil PH as well, you can regulate its level with a special tester. The indicator must remain in the area from 6 to 7.

The higher or lower level should be the sign for you to add some extra components to the soil.

As for equipment, to grow pole beans it is ideal to build a raised bed with trellis or choose a location near the fence. Pole green beans can reach heights up to 20 feet. To stay healthy and strong they need to climb over a support.

Some people tend to think in this case, that it seems easier to plant bush beans because they grow in the form of much smaller bush. But growing bush beans also might require some support. If your bush bean falls over the soil, it’s better to lift the plant with stakes and string prepared in advance.

How to soak bean seeds correctly

Every green bean has a protective shell. It is tough for the tiny germ to get through. After the shell is softened by soaking the seed, the plant grows significantly easier and healthier.

The water for this procedure must be warm temperature. You can let the seeds soak at night, but be careful with timing. The whole period of their staying underwater should be no more than 10-12 hours. Longer time can lead to oxygen deprivation and harm the future plant.

Even after soaking your green beans are still not ready to be put in the soil. It is better not to sow seeds that are still wet. Wait for them to dry out. Planting dry bean seeds in moist soil is the best way to avoid rotting.

How to plant beans in raised garden beds?

All plants require enough space to live and grow fruits, so green beans are no exception. The manner of planting them in a raised bed depends greatly on the variety of green beans that you choose.

Planting bush beans

  • Make holes around 1 inch deep in the soil. The holes for bush beans seeds should be about 4-6 inches apart. If it is more convenient for you, measure the intervals with your hand – it equals approximately 1 hand length.
  • Arrange the rows of holes 3 feet apart from each other and 4 inches apart from the edges of the raised beds.
  • Put from 3 to 4 seeds in each hole and cover them with soil.

Another advantage of bush beans is that bush beans seeds are noticeably big. You wouldn’t worry about putting less or more in every hole. Following this scheme you will be provided with at least 4 bush beans plants per square foot.

Planting pole beans

  • Make holes about 1 inch deep in the soil along the trellises. The holes for pole beans should be around 2-3 inches apart.
  • Arrange the rows of holes 18 inches apart from each other in your raised beds. Check if you can freely walk between the rows.
  • Put from 1 to 2 seeds in each hole and cover them with soil.

Here are some general tips that are suitable for both pole and bush beans:

  • To make holes in the ground you can use a garden hand tool or just your finger.
  • Water the soil before planting. It should be moist but not damp!
  • If the soil temperature is low in your raised beds, the number of seeds can be increased. This way you improve the chances of getting enough bean plants.
  • If you don’t have much free space in your garden, but are certain of making your own source of beans, you can make holes closer to each other. The recommended spacing is certainly the best option though.

As you see, the process is not complicated at all! By following these instructions and tips you would be able to grow bush beans or pole beans quickly and without any problem.

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What not to plant next to green beans?

This question naturally follows our guide. If you sow green beans in a raised bed, your main concern would be to keep them healthy and thriving. The companion plants you choose to grow in the same raised bed can either harm or stay in harmony with your beans.

Green beans are rather neighborly and tolerate lots of plants. For example, corn and lettuce go well with all varieties.

You can grow bush beans close to tall plants and plants that climb over trellises perfectly easily. Since they are relatively small, bush beans don’t shade other plants. What is even better, bush beans can adjust the amount of nitrogens in soil and make it more comfortable for other species.

Of course, green beans cannot live next to some species. Plants from the allium family such as onion and garlic are not the best companion plants for green beans.

What to do after planting green beans?

Some people think that a crop only needs to be planted. But putting a seed in the soil only marks the beginning of your way to a bountiful harvest.

Here we collected some recommendations on the future care of the plant:

  • Thin bean plants when your green beans grow above ground. You can pull out small plants and plants that are too close to each other. In this way, the strongest seedlings can both survive and flourish.
  • Green beans have rather shallow roots, so you should be attentive to the amount of free space around the seedlings. Take out the weeds regularly and green beans would return the favor with delicious fruits.
  • It is highly recommended to avoid moving your plants from one raised bed to another or a container. The seedlings have sensitive roots. If you still opt to transplant the sprouts, be especially careful with roots when handling them.
  • Don’t forget to water your green beans. Although they should be placed in moist soil, it is not enough for beans to grow well. Provide your seedlings with around 2 liters of water per square foot from 1 to 2 times every week.

Finally, this is the way to your perfect vegetable garden! Following the guide and recommendations from the entire article even people far from gardening can learn to plant green beans. And what is better than having fresh beans for your meals? Best of luck in your future plantings!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do green beans do well in raised beds?

Green beans can survive very well in raised beds and thrive for a long time if there are appropriate environments for seeds to sprout and grow. What’s more, raised beds can be quite beneficial for them, as it helps to regulate the soil. Choose carefully the location and soil, look after your plants and growing green beans in garden beds would be effective, easy, and enjoyable.

How far apart to plant green beans in a raised bed?

The manner of placing green beans relative to one another depends on the variety of bean plants you choose. Bush bean seeds should be planted 4-6 inches apart. Pole beans are better placed 2-3 inches apart from each plant and 18 inches apart from the previous row of beans. For a better understanding check the guide from this article.

What month do you plant green beans?

Green bean is a light-loving species. It is better to plant all varieties of green beans well after the last frost date. That’s why most people agree that the most optimal time to grow beans is spring.


Green beans grow pretty well in a raised bed. Planting them wouldn’t be a challenge for you. The key is to create the necessary environment depending on what variety of this plant you purchase.

For more information to know how to plant green beans in a raised bed read in the another article.

Ruth Walsh

Gardens hold a special allure for many, a place where dreams take root and flourish. But for those stepping into the world of gardening for the first time, the path can be tangled with questions and uncertainties. That’s where I come in. Welcome to my gardening blog, where I’m dedicated to guiding beginners through the intricate journey of cultivating their own crops.

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